Malaysian Fans!
3 min readNov 13, 2020

“You will never realise the severity and fear until it hits your loved ones”

I was one of them who thought there’s no way I could possibly be in contact with any Covid-19 patients. I was being safe but I was very sure I would never be at any risk.

One morning I got a call from my sister. The first thing she did was apologize. I was definitely puzzled. Then she tells me she attended a day training and one of the participants tested positive Covid-19 and now she will have to do the swab test for a potential contact and will be quarantined for 2 weeks time.

She apologised that she had no clue and that she just recently visited me, potentially putting me at risk.

The irony is, she was not even tested yet, but she had all her fears of any potential contacts she did within the few days.

Fear. Uncertainty. More fear. Guilt of potentially harming our family with our recent contacts.

Which definitely makes sense, fear of what if it turns out positive and what if we have unknowingly harmed our loved ones.

So now, it has been 14 days since the potential contact and 3 days since we are waiting for the test result. The panic is building and the wait is dreadful knowing that there is nothing much that I can do.

It’s time that we realise the impact and the importance of protection for ourselves and loved ones even more. If it is no longer just impacting us, but affecting our circle, take precautions and protect yourself and your family too, for the least that we can ensure they will be in good hands too.

Keep a look out for our PART 2 update to see what happens next!


Overthinking kills they say but that is all we did for the past 3 days. Health being so important in our lives, is often taken lightly. Not until you have to wait for 72 hours to know if you would be at potential risk of contracting the virus and potentially spreading to your loved ones.

We were scheduled to receive the test result on the evening of the second day. But we did not, the wait was horrid. My sister tells me she lost her appetite, can’t sleep and rest thinking of the awaited results. The third day morning, still no news from KKM the wait went on and on. The wait finally came to an end, she received a call at 6pm.

Everyone else was freaking out when she picked up and she came back with a smile. We were fortunate that it was negative! But, things were not the same for few other participants. Two of the other participants were tested positive.

There will be a follow up second blood test since it has been 14 days since the contact but mostly just thankful for now.

There are a few things to follow through when you are at a potential risk:

  1. Self quarantine yourself
  2. Get yourself tested
  3. Monitor your health and seek physician’s help
  4. Be calm (count sheeps) and not panic while waiting for the test result

While that, ensure that you are well protected against any risk to secure your health and wellbeing besides your loved ones too! Give yourself all the love you shower to the rest and look for us for the best protection. 🙂

We can get yourself protected for a minimum of RM37 against the Covid-19 virus. Oh come on now, our lunch dates cost more than this! We can surely do as much for our safety and health. 🙂

Better now than never! Your safety is indeed always our priority!

